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Arthas 2 Torrent Game Free Download

Arthas 2 is an action-adventure game for 3 players, set in the region of Vinnytsia, whose main character is Vitaly Tsal, known as Papich or the eldest. The campaign takes you on a journey through the world of Ukrainian streaming, unfolding its narrative before the events of the first part. As they progress, users will encounter various missions and engage in battles with clans and militants. The gameplay is enriched with references to other games, promising a varied and exciting experience. Key features of Arthas 2 include cleaning, use of melee weapons and more complex mechanics. Improved the combat system, doubled the number of animations.

In addition, you can expect a longer duration, which will provide you with a deeper immersion in the world. The world is carefully designed, with improved rendering and improved interaction with the environment. Cut content from the previous installment has been reinstated, adding depth to the overall experience. Travel through various quests and quests spread across the Vinnytsia region and engage in tense confrontations with rival clans and militant groups. Effectively use melee weapons to overcome obstacles and enemies, as well as explore the environment and collect resources, including searching for valuable items.

System requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 7/8/10/11
Processor: Intel Core i3 8100 / AMD Ryzen 1200
Memory: 8 GB of RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GT 1030 / Amd Radeon R7 360 / VEGA 7
Storage: 25 GB available space
Additional notes: Medium settings 1080P, FSR ON, 30 frames

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10/11
Processor: Intel core i5 10400f / AMD Ryzen 2600
Memory: 16GB of RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6 Gb / Amd Radeon RX 580 8 Gb
Storage: 25 GB available space



1. The first thing we do is download the game installation files.
2. Mount or burn the ISO image in the disk emulator (UltraISO program).
3. During the installation, we specify the location of the disk where we want to install it.
4. Wait for the installation process to finish, a shortcut will appear on your desktop.
5. Copy the contents of the folder «TENOKE» in the folder with the game.
6. Start the game.

Game update history:

  • Arthas 2 → Construction 14033103 [ 15.04.2024 ]

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